Books Published by WLSA Mozambique
List updated: 13 January 2016
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In English:
OSÓRIO, Conceição; MACUÁCUA, Ernesto
2014 (ed. in Portuguese 2013)
Maputo: WLSA Mozambique.
SILVA, Teresa; ANDRADE, Ximena; OSÓRIO, Conceição; ARTHUR, Maria José
Representations and Practices of Sexuality among the Youth and the Feminization of AIDS in Mozambique. Research Report
Maputo: WLSA Mozambique
ARTHUR, Maria José; MEJIA, Margarita
2007 (ed. in Portuguese 2006)
Rebuilding Lives. The Strategies of Women Survivors of Domestic Violence
Maputo: WLSA Mozambique.
OSÓRIO, Conceição
2007 (ed. in Portuguese 2005)
Subverting Political Power? Gender Analysis of the 2004 Legislative Elections in Mozambique
Maputo: WLSA Mozambique
OSÓRIO, Conceição; ANDRADE, Ximena; TEMBA, Eulália; CRISTIANO JOSÉ, André; LEVI, Benvinda
Mozambique: Power and Violence: Homicide and Femicide in Mozambique
Maputo: WLSA Mozambique.
OSÓRIO, Conceição; ANDRADE, Ximena; TEMBA, Eulália
The Justice Delivery System and the Illusion of the Transparency
Maputo: WLSA Mozambique.
ANDRADE, Ximena et al.
Families in a Changing Environment in Mozambique
Maputo: WLSA Mozambique
ANDRADE, Ximena et al.
Right to Succession and Inheritance in Mozambique
Maputo: WLSA Mozambique
ANDRADE, Ximena et al.
Maintenance Rights and Women in Mozambique: Case Studies in Mozambique
Maputo: WLSA Mozambique.
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