Articles in English
Articles published by WLSA Mozambique in “Outras Vozes”
- The Talibans of Mozambique, Several human rights organisations
- Women and home care in an HIV and AIDS context, Ana Maria Loforte
- Family Law: background and context of its approval, Maria José Arthur
- Child Rape: Perceptions of Child Rape and Denunciation Contexts, Conceição Osório
- Sexual Violence and Child Rape, a Discussion of Concepts, Conceição Osório
- The Problem of Unsafe Abortion, Momade Bay Ustá
- Obstetric Fistula and the situation in Mozambique, Dr. Igor Vaz
- Women’s Human Rights and the Persistence of Inequality and Discrimination, Yolanda Sitoe
- Gender and Democracy, Conceição Osório
- Persistence of Inequality. When Will Women be Able to Decide for Themselves? Misete Getessemane Cossa
- Prosecutor Removed for Defending the Law? WLSA Mozambique
- Insults and Attacks Against Women’s Human Rights, Movement for Approval of the Law against Domestic Violence and Mozambican Human Rights League
- Polygamy: All in the Name of “Tradition”, Yolanda Sithoe
- Trafficking of Women & the 2010 World Cup: the risk of an increase in sexual exploitation connected to trafficking, WLSA Mozambique
- Gender Identity and Sexual Life, Conceição Osório and Teresa Cruz e Silva
- Dropping the Veil…: Domestic Violence Against Women in the Media, Maria José Arthur
- Draft Law Against Domestic Violence: Process and Rationale, Ximena Andrade
- Women with University Degrees and Paid Employment: Emancipated Women? Alberto Cumbi
- Initiation Rites: a Much-Needed Debate, Conceição Osório
- Social Movements and Violence against Women in Mozambique: Landmarks on a Journey, Ana Maria Loforte
- Press Attack Approval of the Law on Domestic Violence, Maria José Arthur
- Family Dynamics and Perceptions of Poverty and Gender in Mozambique, Ana Loforte
- Denounce as a Matter of Urgency: Murder Unpunished in Manhiça, WLSA Mozambique
- Access to and Exercise of Political Power by Women, Conceição Osório
- Social Identities / Sexual Identities: A Gender Analysis, Conceição Osório
- Sexuality: A Male History, Conceição Osório
- Local Conflict Resolution Bodies and the Strengthening of Gender Roles. The Resolution of Cases of Domestic Violence, Maria José Arthur and Margarita Mejia
- Violence Against Women. The Psychological Impact, Henny Slegh
- Through Feminism, One Sees Another Justice, Alda Facio
- “Mabuasuda”: A Case of Fundamental Rights Conflict, Carlos Serra
- Responding to the Media, Maria José Arthur
- When Politicians Legitimate Domestic Violence…, Ana Cristina Monteiro
- When We Were Young Girls, Valuarda Monjane
- Sexual Abuse in the Context of the Construction of Female Sexuality, Conceição Osório
- Advocating Legal Reforms, WLSA Mozambique, AMMCJ, MULEIDE and Fórum Mulher
- From Assault to Complaint: Analysing the Routes Women Take, Maria José Arthur and Margarita Mejia
- The Good Girls and the Feminists, Maria José Arthur
- The Case of the 2004 Legislative Elections in Mozambique. A Gender Analysis, Conceição Osório
- The Significance of Widowhood for Women, Eulália Temba
- Policies and Strategies for Gender Equality: Constraints and Ambiguities, Ana Loforte
- Some Reflections on the Working of the Help Centres for Victims of Domestic Violence, 2000-2003, Conceição Osório
- Those Pregnancies that Embarrass Schools, Maria José Arthur and Zaida Cabral
- Unsafe Abortion in Maputo, Fernanda Machungo
- Why Polygamy is Unacceptable in Family Law, in the Light of Human Rights, Terezinha da Silva, Ximena Andrade, Lúcia Maximiano, Benvinda Levi, Maria José Arthur
- Feminism and Women’s Human Rights, Isabel Casimiro
- An Approach for the Analysis of the Poverty Reduction Action Plan (PARPA), Margarita Mejia
- Women, Power and Tradition in Mozambique, Ana Maria Loforte
- The Justice Delivery System: a Crossroads, Conceição Osório
- The Reform of Family Law: Processes and Debates, Maria Benvinda Levi
- 28 May 2003: Yet Another Day of Action for the Health of Women, Ximena Andrade
- Abortion Related Morbidity and Mortality, Fernanda Machungo
- Family Law: Let’s Talk About Equality and Justice, WLSA Mozambique and Fórum Mulher
- The Legal Situation of Women in Mozambique and the Reforms Currently Under Way, Conceição Osório and Maria José Arthur
- The Family Law, Activists and Women’s Citizenship, Maria José Arthur
Short Story
- Helena’s Capulanas, by Maria José Arthur, 2003